Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Sat September 16, 2006 - West Edition
The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) announced its support for Mary Peters as secretary of the Department of Transportation (DOT), and urged the U.S. Senate to work to have her confirmed as expeditiously as possible.
AGC members perform the bulk of the transportation construction that is undertaken nationwide each year. Since much of this work is performed on projects that are at least partially funded by the various DOT agencies, AGC’s membership has a vested interest in the management of the department.
“As Federal Highway Administrator, Mary Peters demonstrated an outstanding ability to address issues that impacted the efficient and economic delivery of needed transportation infrastructure projects,” said AGC CEO Stephen E. Sandherr. “AGC always found Mary to be an effective consensus builder and innovative thinker on transportation issues.”
AGC members were impressed by Peters’ leadership in addressing the several transportation emergency situations that arose during her tenure as Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Administrator, including hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Ivan as well as a barge accident on Interstate 40.
In addition, Peters worked closely with Congress to ensure that the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) authorization legislation fulfilled the Bush administration’s and the industry’s goals of relieving congestion, improving safety and providing for a cleaner environment.
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