Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
The roots of ECCO Equipment Corporation go back to 1958, when two good friends – Don Schmid and Lester Haug in Los Angeles came together and with $5000 formed a partnership that became the Engineered Construction Company: ECCO. The early years saw ECCO specialize in reservoirs, flood control, and bridge projects. Through the use of innovative construction techniques, ECCO managed to not only underbid the competition, and also maintain a large profit margin. Over time, ECCO began to become a popular go-to for local contractors, and as a result its fleet grew. As word spread of the company’s solid work, the company expanded into new territories, including Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. By the 80’s, ECCO Equipment found itself employed all across the U.S., and their equipment could be found as far south as the border with Mexico and as far north as Alberta, Canada. Currently ECCO has 15 locations spread throughout the western U.S. and Canada.
Irwin Rapoport – CEG Correspondent - Wed March 23, 2022
Tutor Perini / Brosamer & Wall Works On $187M Project to Restore Capacity at Friant-Kern Canal
Crews from the Tutor Perini / Brosamer & Wall joint venture started work last November for the Bureau of Reclamation's (Reclamation) $187 million Phase 1 of the Friant-Kern Canal Middle Reach Capacity Correction project, which will restore capacity in a 10-mi....
Irwin Rapoport – CEG Correspondent - Wed August 11, 2021
Flatiron, Caltrans Earn Honors for I-710 Project
Throughout the duration of the $150.7 million Interstate 710 Pavement Rehabilitation and Bridge Widening Project, construction crews from Flatiron worked relentlessly in an attempt deliver the massive job ahead of schedule....
Irwin Rapoport – CEG Correspondent - Mon March 09, 2020
S&B Construction Battles Mud Pots Near San Diego
The power of nature, specifically plate tectonics and seismic activity, literally forced the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to build a 5-mi. temporary road adjacent to state Route 111 (SR-111) and install new underground infrastructure for the two-lane highway and the Union Pacific Railroad to abandon tracks and build new ones in the Imperial Valley, east of San Diego....
Fri December 29, 2017
ECCO Hires Carl Thigpen as Idaho Regional Manager
ECCO Equipment Corp. has hired Carl Thigpen to serve as the new regional manager for the Idaho Region. Thigpen brings extensive experience in the heavy equipment business to this position. He cut his teeth in the rental business with United Rentals as a salesman and manager....
Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Construction Equipment Guide covers the nation with its four regional newspapers, offering construction and industry news and information along with new and used construction equipment for sale from dealers in your area. Now we extend those services and information to the internet. Making it as easy as possible to find the news and equipment that you need and want.
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