Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Ruksana Hussain - CEG Correspondent - Wed September 15, 2021
VIDEO: Maintaining Your Snowplow for Better Performance
When winter weather conditions come around, it's snowplows to the rescue as highways, roads and streets are cleared of ice and snow, and maintained for everyday use. And though that's the only season we might see this equipment in action, it takes regular care and repairs to ensure all that machinery that's taken a beating from hours of operation will still perform as it should when the next snow season rolls around....
Ruksana Hussain - CEG Correspondent - Thu August 27, 2020
New Products Spearhead Hiniker Growth Plans
Mankato, Minn.-based Hiniker Company, manufacturer of agricultural and snow and ice control equipment, is bringing several new offerings to market this year, including an anti-icing liquid brine applicator, simply called the Brine App....
Hiniker - Mon September 18, 2017
Hiniker Introduces New Skid Steer Snow Pushers
Hiniker Company's 3600 Series skid steer snow pushers are available in 96- and 120-in. (244 and 305 cm) widths and feature a durable rubber cutting edge for cleaning on paved surfaces. With 36-in....
Fri September 08, 2017
Hiniker's New Tilt-Lift Plow Utilizes OEM Truck Lights
Hiniker Company recently introduced its new 1700 Series Tilt-Lift plow. The Hiniker lifting action keeps the moldboard positioned below the level of the truck lights, eliminating the need for auxiliary plow-mounted headlights....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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