Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Fri April 04, 2014
The Multi-Ripper Talon Bucket Gets The Job Done
Leading Edge Attachments Inc. now offers the multi-ripper talon bucket as an addition to the multi-ripper SHARC product line. Designed mainly for utility pipeline contractors, the multi-ripper talon bucket works on the same principle as the multi-ripper bucket, except the bucket is very narrow, and the leading edges have been redesigned so that the center rib can be eliminated, thus improving capacity fill and dumping for a narrow bucket....
Fri April 04, 2014
Multi-DigNRip Bucket Combines Multiple Tools Into One
The Leading Edge Attachments Inc. Multi-DigNRip bucket can replace hammers, blasting and rock trenchers for high production rip and load applications where a wider rock ripping bucket is required. Manufactured in the United States, the Multi-DigNRip bucket is a combination of the high force producing multi-ripper bucket, and the high capacity of the DigNRip bucket....
Fri April 04, 2014
High-Cap Multi-Ripper Bucket From Leading Edge Provides Maximum Breakout Force
Leading Edge Attachments Inc.’s high-cap multi-ripper bucket has been shown to replace hammers, blasting and rock trenchers. The HCMRB utilizes the “SHARC” (SHanks on an ARC) technology, meaning that the bucket functions similarly to that of a trencher except it uses the hydraulic excavator rolling action to rip, always providing the maximum breakout force, applied sequentially to each tooth....
Mon January 20, 2014
The V-Raptor Bucket from Leading Edge Attachments
The “V-Raptor Bucket” from Leading Edge Attachments Inc. is a ripper/bucket combination for excavators and backhoes that allows the operator to rip rock, coral or frozen ground with the maximum breakout force, pry out and carry stumps or cradle boulders, rip a clean narrow V trench for laying utilities, plus scoop and load material, allowing the operator to own a ripper plus be able to scoop and remove ripped debris without requiring the tool or machine change to use another bucket....
Wed January 08, 2014
Leading Edge Attachments to Showcase Multi-DigNRip Bucket at ConExpo
The Leading Edge Attachments Inc.’s Multi-DigNRip bucket can replace hammers, blasting and rock trenchers, for a fraction of the cost, offered specifically for high production rip and load applications where a wider rock bucket is required....
Thu June 06, 2013
Excavator ’Stag’ Staggered Tooth High Penetration Bucket
Leading Edge Attachments Inc. now offers a newer version of the “Stag” bucket, which is a new style, high penetration bucket utilizing the “staggered tooth” technology, and is designed for excavators allowing the operator to easily dig compacted soils, coral, shale, caliche, stratified materials, shot rock or frozen ground with higher concentrated breakout force for a price that is lower than the multi-ripper bucket....
Mary Reed - Wed February 06, 2013
Leading Edge Attachments Stars on ’Gold Rush’
One of the most popular TV shows today is the Discovery Channel’s “Gold Rush,” in which prospectors undergo hardships and cope with various crises as they attempt to locate and mine gold deposits....
Fri January 27, 2012
The Stumpiranha Completely Removes Stumps
The “Stumpiranha” from Leading Edge Attachments Inc. is a stump removal tool that replaces the slow process of stump grinding, and allows for complete removal without leaving grindings or stump remains that can cause sinkholes later....
Tue July 15, 2008
LEA, MTG Teeth Available for Multi-Ripper Products
Two new teeth are now available for multi-ripper products from Leading Edge Attachments Inc., developed in conjunction with MTG Corp. There is the new 220- to 300-lb. (100 to 136 kg) excavator class size “Double Vector” and the new 55- to 110-lb....
Tue July 01, 2008
Leading Edge Single Pointed Bucket Rips Through Rock, Frozen Ground
The single pointed ripper bucket (SPRB) is a new style ripper/bucket combination for excavators and backhoes that allows the operator to easily rip rock, coral shale, caliche, decomposed granite, limestone, sandstone, asphalt or frozen ground with the maximum breakout force....
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470 Maryland Drive
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