Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Headquartered in Tampa and with branches across the south and eastern seaboard, Nortrax offers a significant inventory of new and used equipment. A group of highly trained technicians stands ready to assist customers with any make and model of equipment. The biggest priority at Nortrax is safety. The company is committed to ensuring every worker is in a safe environment. To that end, all employees receive top notch safety training. Nortrax is dedicated to the people use the land for a living. It shares the same values that have guided John Deere for nearly 200 years.
United Construction & Forestry - Wed September 01, 2021
Company Acquires Nortrax Inc., Schmidt Equipment Inc. to Become United Construction & Forestry
Fernandez Holdings Inc., which owns a diverse portfolio of businesses, including 57 John Deere Ag and Turf dealerships in the northeast and south central United States, has acquired 14 John Deere Construction and Forestry stores, nine locations from Nortrax Inc....
Lori Tobias – CEG Correspondent - Thu May 06, 2021
New England's $950M Clean Energy Project
Work on a $950 million project to bring clean energy to New England began three months ago and crews have already set a handful of the nearly 1,000 structures involved. The New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) project runs 145 mi....
Nortrax - Mon February 22, 2021
Nortrax Supports Mechanized Logging Operations Program
Nortrax announced its continued support of the Mechanized Logging Operations Program, which will resume this summer on June 28, 2021. The program is an educational joint venture of the Maine Community College System and the Professional Logging Contractors of Maine, along with other industry partners....
Caroline Schweitzer – special to ceg - Mon March 16, 2020
Hitachi Excavator's Versatility Makes Work Flow Smoothly
When you think "excavator," images of digging dirt and rock on land may come to mind. However, that's not the case for J.F. Brennan Company Inc. (Brennan), a 100-year-old marine construction contractor out of La Crosse, Wisc....
Nortrax - Thu October 10, 2019
Nortrax Raises $75K for Travis Mills Foundation in Maine
Nortrax raised $75,000 for the Travis Mills Foundation at its annual golf tournament and auction. Nortrax raised $75,000 for the Travis Mills Foundation at its annual golf tournament and auction....
Nortrax - Thu August 01, 2019
Nortrax Locations in New Hampshire and Vermont Become Wirtgen Group Dealers
The Nortrax locations in Pembroke, N.H., and Springfield, Vt., will become distributors of Wirtgen Group products. These locations will have responsibility for servicing and supporting Wirtgen Group customers for the entire state of New Hampshire and the eastern counties of Vermont....
Kristin Stires – HITACHI BREAKOUT MAGAZINE - Thu April 25, 2019
Maine Company Thrives Year-Round Amid Drastic Temp Range
It only took 10 minutes for Scott Millbury and Joe Haley to get hooked on Hitachi. It was 1987, and a local dealer rented a brand-new Hitachi 200 to Scott and Joe, co-owners of M&H Logging and Construction in Rangeley, Maine....
Nortrax - Wed January 02, 2019
Nortrax Canada Inc. Becomes the Wirtgen Group Dealer for Ontario, Canada
Effective January 1, 2019, Nortrax Canada Inc. will become the distributor of Wirtgen Group products for Ontario, Canada. Nortrax has been serving the Ontario market for more than 40 years performing as one of John Deere's top construction dealers....
CEG - Thu August 30, 2018
Nortrax Event Raises $55K for Travis Mills Foundation
Nortrax is proud to announce that the 10th Annual “Golf, Grub & Gravel” event, held Aug. 17, raised $55,000 to benefit the Travis Mills Foundation. Travis Mills is one of five quadruple amputees to survive his injuries from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan....
Mon May 14, 2018
Nortrax Retains 38 John Deere Dealerships After Sale of 7 Stores
Nortrax, Inc. has sold seven stores in its Midwest Region to the family-owned company McCoy Group, Inc. based in Dubuque, Iowa. The company will do business as McCoy Construction & Forestry (MCF) and will retain the Nortrax employees in the Escanaba, Mich., Merrill, Chippewa Falls, and Ashland, Wis., as well as the Duluth, Grand Rapids, and Bemidji, Minn....
Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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