Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
CEG - Tue March 23, 2021
Tandem Crews Take Home 2020 Project of Year Honor
The joint venture of Ames Construction and Wadsworth Brothers Construction were recently honored by the Associated General Contractors of Utah with the 2020 Project of the Year, Overall Highway/Transportation, for its work on the I-15 Technology Corridor from Lehi Main Street to SR 92....
Daily Standard - Mon March 22, 2021
State Officials Postpone $40M Project in Davis County
The Utah state transportation department is postponing $40 million worth of construction work on Interstate 15 in Davis County in order to pay for a project just down the road that will cost more than three times that amount....
Globe Newswire - Tue February 23, 2021
Construction Crews Wrap Up UDOT's Top Priority Project
Applied Research Associates Inc. (ARA) was part of a team of designers and contractors who recently completed a large, high-priority design/build project on Utah's Tech Corridor on I-15. The project is located south of Salt Lake City for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)....
Lori Tobias – CEG Correspondent - Tue January 26, 2021
Officials Unveil Jason R. Workman Memorial Bridge
Vehicles have been traversing the bridge over the San Juan River on the edge of the tiny desert town of Mexican Hat, Utah, since 1953. Six years ago, the metal arch bridge was renamed the Jason R. Workman Memorial Bridge, honoring Utah native and fallen local war hero Special Ops Jason Workman....
Lori Tobias – CEG Correspondent - Tue December 29, 2020
UDOT Completes More Than $1B in Projects
In a year that saw its share of troubles, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is closing out on a high note — the completion of 135 projects valued at $1.05 billion. "The fact that we were able to deliver all these projects on time and at budget is an accomplishment just because of all of the challenges we faced, here and around the world," said John Gleason, UDOT public information officer....
UDOT - Tue December 29, 2020
Governor-Elect Reappoints UDOT Executive Director
Utah Governor-Elect Spencer R. Cox reappointed Carlos Braceras today as the executive director of the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). For the past seven years, Braceras has been responsible for UDOT's more than 1,700 employees and the design, construction and maintenance of Utah's 6,000-mile system of roads and highways....
UDOT - Tue December 29, 2020
UDOT Building Information Highways With CARES Funding
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is in the final stages of installing fiber conduit systems in two Utah rural locations to increase internet connectivity for communities and enhance mobility and safety on Utah's highways....
UDOT - Tue November 03, 2020
Concrete Chutes, Restraints Being Used on Barrier System
A new truck escape ramp has opened on U.S. 89 west of Garden City. The catch-net cable system is new to Utah and uses a series of cable nets to stop runaway semi-trucks coming out of Logan Canyon. In the past two years, this area has seen a rise in runaway truck crashes....
UDOT - Tue November 03, 2020
Construction Crews Complete I-80 Exit Six Months Early
A new exit-only lane on westbound I-80 between S.R. 201 and S.R. 36 in Tooele County has opened six months ahead of schedule. This new "auxiliary" lane, designed to provide additional space for entering or exiting the interstate, will improve traffic flow and reduce delays for drivers in the area....
CEG - Tue November 03, 2020
Iconic Layton Landmark Comes Down
Local construction crews, in conjunction with the Utah Department of Transportation, took part in an historic demolition as part of the U.S. 89 reconstruction project. To make room for upgrades near the intersection of Oak Hills Drive and U.S....
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470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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