Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
VTDigger - Wed November 01, 2023
Vermont Governor Unveils Redevelopment Plan for Flood-Ravaged Barre City
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott attended Barre City's council meeting Oct. 24 alongside several top administration officials to unveil a massive redevelopment proposal for the north end of the city that was walloped during last summer's catastrophic statewide flooding....
Ken Liebeskind -CEG Correspondent - Thu October 19, 2023
ECI Engineers Construction Leads Bridge 29 Work in Richmond, Vermont
The Richmond Bridge 29 project will replace the existing eight-span bridge, which is in good to poor condition, with a new two-span off-alignment bridge that matches the width of the corridor. ECI Engineers Construction Inc....
Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast - Wed October 18, 2023
The Professional Logging Contractors (PLC) of Maine has entered a new era, as the 28-year-old trade association officially expands beyond Maine and becomes the Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast....
Evernorth Rural Ventures - Wed August 17, 2022
Vermont's Iconic 'Yellow Barn' to Be Transformed Into Food Business Accelerator
An innovative public/private partnership is set to fund the redevelopment of Hardwick, Vt.'s iconic "Yellow Barn" into a food business accelerator business and retail shop in one of the state's poorest areas....
University of Vermont - Thu August 17, 2023
University of Vermont Signs Deal to Build $100M Housing Complex for 540 Undergrads
The University of Vermont (UVM) in Burlington has announced its intention to partner with AAM 15 Management LLC to build undergraduate housing on the east side of its main campus. A letter of intent was signed Aug....
Lori Tobias – CEG Correspondent - Thu August 10, 2023
Contractors On Track to Meet First of Two Tight Vermont Project Deadlines
Contractors on a Vermont bridge project are on track to meet the first deadline of a tightly scheduled two-phase job. The North Hero BF 028‐1(30) Bridge 5 project involves replacing the existing bridge concrete deck, which is structurally deficient, with a new bridge deck that meets current design standards....
Vermont Standard & Valley News - Thu August 03, 2023
Vermont's Quechee Gorge Bridge to Finally Begin Rehab
An engineer with the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) told residents and concerned citizens of the Hartford area on July 27 that the overdue improvements to the Quechee Gorge Bridge will finally get started, including preparation and clean-up work from the recent floods, in mid- to late-August and continue through November....
VTDigger - Wed July 19, 2023
Buttigieg Surveys Vermont's Flood Damage, Promises Swift Federal Aid Response
The front door to the Inn by the River, located in rural Vermont's Northeast Kingdom town of Hardwick, leads to nowhere. In typical times, the picturesque establishment is perched on the banks of the Lamoille River....
Middlebury College - Wed July 05, 2023
Crews Begin Building New Residence Hall at Vermont's Middlebury College
Middlebury College recently began construction on a 298-bed, 87,000-sq.-ft. residence hall to house first-year students starting in fall 2025, following a groundbreaking ceremony June 26 at the Vermont campus....
VTDigger - Wed June 21, 2023
New $123M Infrastructure Package for Vermont Signed Into Law by Gov. Phil Scott
Vermont Gov. Phil Scott signed a two-year infrastructure package into law June 14, appropriating almost $123 million in bonded dollars for a variety of initiatives, including courthouse upgrades, clean water projects and repairs at the Vermont Veterans' Home....
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470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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