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Nordberg’s Name, Dependability Lives on Under Metso

Fri June 21, 2002 - Northeast Edition
Construction Equipment Guide

Romeo said of Juliet that, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Contractors can say the same thing of the Nordberg equipment line, which came under the “Metso” umbrella when the company purchased Nordberg and a host of other recycling manufacturers.

Over the course of several years, Metso has purchased or combined forces with several manufacturers in the aggregate industry.

Some of those companies include Svedala, Hewitt Robins, Tyler, Trellex, Seco, Kueker, Barmac, Allis-Chalmers and Nordberg — all of which now carry the Metso moniker.

Whitney & Son Inc., of Fitchburg, MA, has been representing aggregate products since 1964 and has developed a sterling reputation throughout New England for its sales and service of Nordberg crushing equipment.

Dan Whitney, president of Whitney & Son, admitted that with all the name changes involving Nordberg and the slew of other manufacturers, that, at times, customers might be confused about what they are purchasing. However, Whitney stressed that every Metso product, regardless of name change, still has the same engineering and design that it had prior to the merger or acquisition.

In fact, Whitney said that the Metso mergers have created opportunities for his company. Now, because so may equipment lines have the Metso name, his product offerings have expanded to the extent that Whitney & Sons can meet the needs of nearly every aggregate producer, whether large or small, in New England.

For example, prior to the Svedala and Allis-Chalmers acquisitions, Whitney & Sons did not carry the two companies’ equipment lines.

Naturally, with an ever-increasing array of aggregate equipment lines to deal with, Whitney & Son Inc. has sought out individuals who have the engineering experience to handle each and every one of them.

Recently, Jason Whitney, who has a degree in mechanical engineering, joined his father’s company in the role of office manager.

With his strong engineering background, Dan Whitney expects his son to play a major role in servicing the company’s vast selection of equipment.

Whitney & Son Inc. was founded in 1964 by Dan Whitney’s father, J. S. Nason Whitney.

The company’s vice president, Charlie Jones, has been with the company for 15 years and runs the day-to-day operations of Whitney & Sons.

For more information, call 978/343-6353 or visit

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