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Tesmec News and New Products

Tesmec Trencher Makes Its Global Impact Around World

As the saying goes, when the going gets tough … the tough get going. This is the reason why customers have been choosing Tesmec Trencher for their jobs in the hardest rock, not just in the United States, but globally....

Condux Tesmec Introduces PE1250 Electric Puller

Condux Tesmec Inc. recently introduced the PE1250 all-electric puller. With an electric motor, the PE1250 eliminates the need for hydraulic components such as hydraulic motors, pump and valves, and requires no oil....

Condux Tesmec Introduces Self-Contained Reconductoring Equipment

The continuous line puller (CLP) from Condux Tesmec gives stringing contractors an effective solution for handling and recycling old conductor during reconductoring project. The CLP eliminates the need for placing old conductor on reels by effectively dismantling the used conductor into small manageable pieces that are easy to transport and ready to recycle....