Machine description: Big 1000 PTO, ISOBUS, 80 in Pickup, Phiber AC3104 3 Bale Accumulator, Auto Lube, Preservative Applicator System, Bale Monitor LOCATED-IN-VIRDEN-MB... more info about the 2005 Hesston 4760.
Machine description: Big 1000 PTO, Hydraulic Lift 80 in Pickup, Phiber AC3104 3 Bale Accumulator, Auto Lube, Preservative Applicator System LOCATED-IN-VIRDEN-MB... more info about the 2005 Hesston 4760.
Machine description: 1000 PTO, Clevis Pin Hitch, 84 in Pickup, Twine Tie, Push Bar Ejector, Bale Monitor, 12000 Bales on Counter EQUIPMENT FROM VANEE FARM CENTRE INC., PLEASE CONTACT JOHN REIMER FOR MORE INFORMATION AT 1.... more info about the 2002 Hesston 856A.