Machine description: 2008 GSI 48ft. Grain Bin, 9 Rings tall, Sweep Auger, Unload auger w/ 7.5HP motor, approx. 40,000 Bu. **Buyer will have until May 2025 for removal, buyer responsible for take down & removal**... more info about the 2021 DMI 2800.
Machine description: MFS Grain Bin, Width- 30ft, Height- 23ft, Approx. 9 Ring tall, Approx. 15,000 Bu. Drying floor (needs Work), drying fan, (spout on top of bin sells with grain leg) **Buyer will have until May 2025 for... more info about the 2021 Redball 2800.
Machine description: MFS Grain Bin, Width- 24ft, Height- 17ft, 6.5 Ring, Drying Floor (needs work) Approx. 6,400 Bu. (spout on top of bin sells with grain leg) **Buyer will have until May 2025 for removal, buyer responsib... more info about the 2021 Redball 2800.
Machine description: MFS Store Mor Grain Bin, Width- 24ft, Height- 17ft, 7 Ring, drying floor, 6in. outlet auger, no motor, Approx. 7,000 Bu. (spout on top of bin sells with grain leg) **Buyer will have until May 2025 for... more info about the 2021 Redball 2800.
Machine description: MFS Grain Bin, Width- 24ft, Height- 17ft, Approx. 7,000 Bu. 7 Ring tall, drying floor, (spout on top of bin sells with grain leg) **Buyer will have until May 2025 for removal, buyer responsible for ta... more info about the 2021 Redball 2800.
Machine description: Brock Dryer Bin, hopper on legs, Inside width- 18ft, Height- 30ft, Approx. 5,500 Bu. 9 Rings tall, Unload Auger going into grain dryer will sell with bin EVERYTHING ELSE ATTACHED WILL SELL SEPARATE!! ... more info about the 2021 Redball 2800.
Machine description: Feed bin with hopper, inside width- 15ft, Height- 17ft, Approx. 2,000 Bu. **Buyer will have until May 2025 for removal, buyer responsible for take down & removal** BIN#2... more info about the 2021 Redball 2800.
Machine description: 14 ft Diameter, Cement Floor BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: JUL/31/2025 ; BIN LOCATION: NW 20-24-32 W1 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS... more info about the Butler 145.
Machine description: 19 ft Diameter, Steel Floor, Lid Opener, Bin Full Indicator Closing Time: 2025-04-15 10:00:00 PM... more info about the Westeel ROSCO.
Machine description: 18 ft Diameter, Double Skids, Horizontal Aeration Lid Opener, Ladder, Grain Gauge, OPI Cable, Roof Vent ... more info about the Twister WC.
Machine description: 14 ft Diameter, Double Skids, Hopper, Roof Inspection Hatch, Lid Opener, Ladder, OPI Cable, Manhole BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: AUGUST 15, 2025 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS ;... more info about the Twister 144.
Machine description: 14 ft Diameter, Double Skids, Hopper, Lid Opener, Ladder, Roof Vents, OPI Cable, Manhole BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: AUGUST 15, 2025 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS ;... more info about the Twister 144.
Machine description: 14 ft Diameter, Double Skids, Hopper, OPI Cable BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: AUGUST 15, 2025 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS ;... more info about the Butler 14-3.
Machine description: 17 ft Diameter, Double Skids, M & K Welding Hopper, Roof Inspection Hatch, Lid Opener, Ladder, OPI Cable BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: AUGUST 15, 2025 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS... more info about the Butler 14-4.
Machine description: 16 ft Diameter, Double Skids, Ladder, Poke Hole, Man Hole BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: JULY 31, 2024 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS ;... more info about the 2008 Westeel 1612F MAGNUM F.
Machine description: 16 ft Diameter, Triple Skids, Lid Opener, Ladder BIN REMOVAL DEADLINE: JULY 31, 2025 ; BUYER RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD OUT AND ALL ASSOCIATED COSTS ;... more info about the Westeel 1620F MAGNUM-F.