Only $2,327.24 / Mo.
Length 52'3", Width 102", Main Deck Length 26', Main Deck Height 18", Weight 24,051 lbs., Unit Description Magnitude 60LCC, Compatibility Designed to Accept 23" Neck Extention & Flip Axle, Floor 2" Nominal Wood - Side Rails Only, Ramps Manual Front approach ramps, Outriggers 13 pair - Removable Swing Type / 2 pair removable, D-Rings 19 pair, Toolbox 2 Trays - fully Covered between main beams, Side Rail Lights (3) Marker LIghts per Side incl. Mid-Turn, Rear Lights (3) Stop/Tail, (3) Clearance, Strobe Lights Battery Powered Rear Amber Strobes, Flag Holders 1 Pair, Modular Connection Fixed, Gooseneck Hydraulic Detachable, Non-Ground Bearing, Loaded 5th Wheel Dual Cam Pawl Arm w 7 Ride Height Positions, 50", Pony Motors None, # of Axles 3, Suspension Type Air Ride, Suspension Setting 54.5", Lift Axle Rear Axle Air Lift, Flip Axle Not Included, Manual Dumpvalve Yes, Raise & Lower Valve Mechanical Ride Height Control Valve, Tire Size 275/70R22.5, Wheels (6)