Machine description: WORK READY!! Machine has a Perkins 1204F 116hp Engine, Air Conditioner, Air Ride Seat, Rear View Camera, 2015 US EPA Label, DOES NOT REQUIRE Diesel Exhaust Fluid, 12 ft Stick, Auxiliary Hydraulic Plum... more info about the 2016 Hyundai HX145 LCR.
Machine description: Cab. Heat. AC. double flow aux hyd. Steel tracks. Hyd quick cplr. Hyd thumb. Straight blade. Radio. 36 " bucket Pilot controls... more info about the 2019 Hyundai HX145 LCR.
Machine description: Hyundai HX145A LCR with 36" bucket and Rubber roadliner tracks also comes with Dozer blade, Hyd coupler, Double hydraulics With rotation 9' 8" arm. Only 75 hours New machine w... more info about the 2023 Hyundai HX145 LCR.