Machine description: Description: 6'4 STK, X1, QC, FLT BLD, NO THB, 16 RT, HOURS/LOCATION/CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE... more info about the 2023 Volvo ECR58F.
Machine description: Description: UE - AC, 6'4 STK, X3, QC, DBLD, NO THB, 16 RT, HOURS/LOCATION/CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE... more info about the 2023 Volvo ECR58F.
Machine description: Description: AC, 6'4 STK, X1, NO QC, FLT BLD, NO THB, 16 RT, HOURS/LOCATION/CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE... more info about the 2023 Volvo ECR58F.
Machine description: Description: UE - AC, 6'4 STK, X3, QC, DBLD, NO THB, 16 RT, HOURS/LOCATION/CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE... more info about the 2023 Volvo ECR58F.
Machine description: Description: 6'4 STK, X1, QC, FLT BLD, NO THB, 16 RT, HOURS/LOCATION/CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE... more info about the 2023 Volvo ECR58F.
Machine description: Description: NEW - 10'0 STK, X1, NO QC, CAB AC, 34 PADS, BOOM FLT, HOURS/LOCATION/CONDITION SUBJECT TO CHANGE... more info about the 2023 Volvo ECR355EL.
Machine description: 2016 Volvo 305ECR CL In good condition, 11,950 hours, approximately 6,000 hours on reman engine. QC, Bucket condition good, 32 Inch pads, 12 Foot 10 Inch stick.... more info about the 2016 Volvo ECR305CL.