Machine description: SPECIAL 3.9% FINANCING FOR UP TO 5 YEARS w APPROVED CREDIT,, MANAGER SPECIAL FINANCE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024 $3400 INSTANT REBATE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024, Mechanical Condition: EXCELLENT, ChoppingC... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: On the lot, New Geringhoff Patriot Rota Disc, Chopping, 8 Row 30 Inch Spacing, Exploded Stubble Using Stubble Knife, Distrubted Downward, End Row Augers, 3 Sensors Horizon Controller with Foresight, D... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff PR830.
Machine description: ONE OWNER, ON THE LOT AVAILABLE NOW, END ROW AUGERS, AROUND 2000 ACRES, ON IT, CAME OF 8250 Combine, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: P... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: ONE OWNER, ON THE LOT AVAILABLE NOW, END ROW AUGERS, AROUND 2000 ACRES, ON IT, CAME OF 8250 Combine, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: P... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: LOCAL TRADE IN * FLAGSHIP MOUNT * ROW GUIDE, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, AutoRowSensor: ROW GUIDANCE... more info about the 2022 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: SPECIAL: 3.9% FINANCING FOR 5 YEARS w APPROVED CREDIT, MANAGER SPECIAL FINANCE OFFER EXPIRES 1/31/2025, $3000 INSTANT REBATE: OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024,, TRF35 TrueFlex Razor, Center Cutterbar Hyd Dual... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff TRUFLEX RAZOR 35.
Machine description: SPECIAL: 3.9% FINANCING FOR 5 YEARS w APPROVED CREDIT, MANAGER SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES 1/31/2025, $3000 INSTANT REBATE: OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024,, TrueFlex Razor,, 21T Spline Drive Coupler,, Center Cutt... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff TRUFLEX RAZOR 35.
Machine description: SPECIAL 3.9% FOR 5YR FINANCING w APPROVED CREDIT,, MANAGER SPECIAL FINANCE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024 $3000 INSTANT REBATE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024, Mechanical Condition: EXCELLENT, SlowSpeedTransport: ... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff TRUFLEX RAZOR 35.
Machine description: SPECIAL 3.9% FINANCING FOR UP TO 5 YEARS W/ APPROVED CREDIT, MANAGER SPECIAL FINANCE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024 $3000 INSTANT REBATE OFFER NEXPIRES 12/31/2024, Mechanical Condition: EXCELLENT, SlowSpeed... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff FLEX 30.
Machine description: 3000 approximate acres, Available January 2022, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, Hours: 100, Adapter: CIH 8250, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: PLASTIC SNOUT, AutoRowS... more info about the 2021 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: ONE OWNER, ON THE LOT AVAILABLE NOW, END ROW AUGERS, AROUND 2000 ACRES, ON IT, CAME OF 8250 Combine, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: P... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: ONE OWNER, ON THE LOT AVAILABLE NOW, END ROW AUGERS, AROUND 2000 ACRES, ON IT, CAME OF 8250 Combine, Mechanical Condition: VERY GOOD, ChoppingCapability: N/A, DeckPlates: HYD. DECK PLATE, SnoutType: P... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff NS1230.
Machine description: SPECIAL 3.9% FINANCING FOR UP TO 5 YEARS W/ APPROVED CREDIT, MANAGER SPECIAL FINANCE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024 $2500 INSTANT REBATE OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2024, Mechanical Condition: EXCELLENT... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff FLEX 30.
Machine description: On the lot, New Geringhoff NorthStar XDC, 8 Row 30 Inch Spacing, XDC Exteme Decomposition Rollers, 21 Spline Driveshaft, End Row Augers, Single Point Hookup, 3 Sensors Horizon Controller w/Foresight, ... more info about the 2023 Geringhoff PN830.