Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
Brenda Ruggiero – CEG Correspondent - Thu December 31, 2020
All Hands On Deck for Fort Eustis Bridge Job
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is heading up a bridge replacement in a sensitive and highly trafficked area of Newport News, Va. The contract was awarded to i+iconSOUTHEAST. Construction on the $17.8 million project began in spring 2020 and is expected to be complete by fall of 2022....
i+iconUSA - Mon October 07, 2019
Fay Recognized by Bechtel as Top Subcontractor
Fay an i+iconUSA Company, a heavy-civil and industrial construction company, was recognized as a top subcontractor by Bechtel at the company's annual Supply Chain Awards for exceptional work on projects for Bechtel's Oil, Gas and Chemical global business unit....
i+iconUSA - Fri February 22, 2019
U.S. Construction, Infrastructure Company Announces Acquisition by International Industry Titan
Infrastructure & Industrial Constructors USA (i+iconUSA) will be acquired by Shikun & Binui (S&B) as part of its long-term U.S. expansion strategy in the infrastructure market. i+iconUSA will become part of Shikun & Binui America (SBA), the construction arm of S&B in the U.S....
Brenda Ruggiero – CEG Correspondent - Mon October 29, 2018
Coordination Crucial for Accelerated Bridge Construction
Infrastructure and Industrial Constructors USA, which is branded as i+iconUSA, was awarded two new accelerated bridge contracts in Pennsylvania. These include the Pulaski-New Bedford Bridge in Lawrence County and Port Authority North Braddock Avenue Bridge Replacement in Allegheny County....
MJ Salby - Fri August 11, 2017
Tech Startup Uses Drones to Help Construction Companies Get the Job Done
For everyone who hates orange barrels and construction traffic, a Pittsburgh, Pa., company is using drones to speed up roadwork times and help crews. Identified Technologies, a Pittsburgh startup, has helped companies in mining to construction to work in landfills use the flying devices and corresponding software to aid their work with analytics and data collection since 2013, according to the company's website....
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Construction Equipment Guide
470 Maryland Drive
Fort Washington, PA 19034
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