Machine description: 2020 Ford Explorer AWD Police Interceptor 4-Door Hybrid Sport Utility Vehicle, 6-cyl, Gas/Electric, Auto, A/C, with Tow Package, True Mileage Unknown (Not Running, Conditions Unknown) (No Key, Wrecked... more info about the Ford Explorer AWD Police Interceptor.
Machine description: 2017 Ford Explorer AWD Police Interceptor Sport Utility Vehicle, 6-cyl gas, Auto, A/C, (163,725 miles) (Not Running, Condition Unknown) (Interior Stripped Of Parts) (Body Stripped Of Parts) (Missing E... more info about the Ford Explorer AWD Police Interceptor.
Machine description: 2014 Ford Explorer AWD Police Interceptor Sport Utility Vehicle, 6-cyl gas, Auto, A/C, with Spotlight, (161,098 miles) (Not Running, Condition Unknown) (Interior Stripped Of Parts) (Body Stripped Of P... more info about the Ford Explorer AWD Police Interceptor.